A lot of my friends keep
complaining about how bad their sleep pattern is… Well, this article is a must
read for all of you who cannot get a good night sleep everyday. Read on few
tips to fix your zzzz troubles.
1. Have a proper sleep wake pattern: It is easy to give in to the
temptation of waking up late in the weekends, however, doing so will disrupt
your everyday schedule. Also, if you have had a bad insomnia lasting from many
days then getting up at the same time will train your body for the same.
2. Reduce the intake of caffeine - The taste and addiction of coffee
or tea might be the reason why you can’t sleep at night. Not only does caffeine
spoil your health in general but also ruin your sleep. Alcohol may have a
sedative effect for the first few hours following consumption, but it can then
lead to frequent arousals and a non-restful night's sleep.
3. Get addicted to endorphin - Working out everyday can improve sleep
quality and duration. However, exercising immediately before bedtime can have a
stimulant effect on the body and should be avoided. Try to finish exercising at
least three hours before you plan to retire to bed.
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4. Make your bedroom calm: What do you need the most? Peaceful sleep!
A quiet, dark, and cool environment is a great aid to promote sound slumber. To
induce such an environment, lower the volume of outside noise with the use of
earplugs. Try alpinesleep soft earplugs. Also, using heavy curtains or an eye mask to block
light can provide darker environment.
5. Reduce stress - There are a number of relaxation therapies and
stress reduction methods you may want to try to relax the mind and the body
before going to bed. Examples include progressive muscle relaxation (perhaps
with audio tapes), deep breathing techniques, imagery, meditation, and